House of the Hog

Welcome to the hog-house.

2020-02-23 Hawaii Blog

At my wife's request, I have resurrected our Hawaii Blog. As the name suggests, these are blog entries and pictures that I took on our honeymoon in Hawaii.

These could still use some cleanup. I restored the generated files, and changed some of the link prefixes so that hopefully they're not broken, but the generated files are still assuming different styling. I'll clean these up eventually.


2017-03-24 We're Back!

After a hard-drive crash took out most of my (poorly backed-up) content and a long period of inactivity, I've finally started bringing HoH back online.

You didn't miss us? Hunh. You're so cool. I'll bet you're not even reading this right now.

So it's fair to say that I don't have any real plan for this site. I'll try to put cool stuff and random musings here every now and then.

So for starters, here's Bob & Phil, 2018-03-03, with Trey joining in halfway through:

Muller's World | The School Myth | Crack Programming Language Blog